Results for 'David A. Lupher'

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  1.  10
    The Art of Aeschylus.David A. Lupher & Thomas G. Rosenmeyer - 1985 - American Journal of Philology 106 (4):515.
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    Deductive program verification (a practitioner's commentary).David A. Nelson - 1992 - Minds and Machines 2 (3):283-307.
    A proof of ‘correctness’ for a mathematical algorithm cannot be relevant to executions of a program based on that algorithm because both the algorithm and the proof are based on assumptions that do not hold for computations carried out by real-world computers. Thus, proving the ‘correctness’ of an algorithm cannot establish the trustworthiness of programs based on that algorithm. Despite the (deceptive) sameness of the notations used to represent them, the transformation of an algorithm into an executable program is a (...)
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    “Equality Theory” as a Counterbalance to Equity Theory in Human Resource Management.David A. Morand & Kimberly K. Merriman - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (1):133-144.
    This conceptual paper revisits the concept of equality as a base of distributive justice and contends that it is underspecified, both theoretically and in terms of its ethical and pragmatic application to human resource management (HRM) within organizations. Prior organizational literature focuses primarily upon distributive equality of remunerative outcomes within small groups and implicitly employs an equity-based conception of inputs to define equality. In contrast, through exposition of the philosophical roots of equality principles, we reconceptualize inputs as de facto equal (...)
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  4. Not Particles, Not Quite Fields: An Ontology for Quantum Field Theory.Tracy Lupher - 2018 - Humana Mente 4 (13):155-173.
    There are significant problems involved in determining the ontology of quantum field theory. An ontology involving particles seems to be ruled out due to the problem of defining localized position operators, issues involving interactions in QFT, and, perhaps, the appearance of unitarily inequivalent representations. While this might imply that fields are the most natural ontology for QFT, the wavefunctional interpretation of QFT has significant drawbacks. A modified field ontology is examined where determinables are assigned to open bounded regions of spacetime (...)
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    A simplified problem reduction format.David A. Plaisted - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 18 (2):227-261.
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    A Small, Good Thing – Anencephalic Organ Donation.David A. Buehler - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (1):81.
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    A Social & Political Critique of Capitalism.David A. Duquette - 1996 - Social Philosophy Today 12:219-231.
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    Toward a Philosophy of Zen Buddhism.David A. Kolb - 1980 - Philosophy East and West 30 (4):540-542.
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    The Limits of Physical Equivalence in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory.Tracy Lupher - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (2):553-576.
    Some physicists and philosophers argue that unitarily inequivalent representations in quantum field theory are mathematical surplus structure. Support for that view, sometimes called ‘algebraic imperialism’, relies on Fell’s theorem and its deployment in the algebraic approach to QFT. The algebraic imperialist uses Fell’s theorem to argue that UIRs are ‘physically equivalent’ to each other. The mathematical, conceptual, and dynamical aspects of Fell’s theorem will be examined. Its use as a criterion for physical equivalence is examined in detail and it is (...)
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  10. A physical critique of physical causation.Tracy Lupher - 2009 - Synthese 167 (1):67 - 80.
    The conserved quantities theory of causation (CQTC) attempts to use physics as the basis for an account of causation. However, a closer examination of the physics involved in CQTC reveals several critical failures. Some of the conserved quantities in physics cannot be used to distinguish causal interactions. Other conserved quantities cannot always be the properties of fields or particles. Finally, CQCT does not account for causal interactions that are static.
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    A Logical Choice.Tracy Lupher - 2012 - Southwest Philosophy Review 28 (1):237-246.
    It is usually assumed that the modal ontological argument is valid. However, the logical system in which the argument is analyzed can require different assumptions to secure validity. Some strategies for the both critics and proponents of the modal ontological argument are examined in different logical systems. For agnostics, statements involving a perfect being may have a truth value other than true or false. A many-valued modal logic may be a more suitable framework for agnostics, and the modal ontological argument (...)
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    A Guide to Nucleic Acid Hybridization Nucleic acid hybridization: A practical approach, ed. by B. D. Hames and S. J. Higgins. Irl Press. 1985. pp. 245. £22, $40 hardback; £14. $25 paperback. [REVIEW]David A. Gillespie - 1986 - Bioessays 5 (4):187-188.
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  13. (1 other version)The Philosophy of Logic : 5 Questions.T. Lupher & T. Adajian (ed.) - 2013
    A collection of interviews with influential theorists working in philosophy of logic. The questions: Why were you initially drawn to the philosophy of logic? What are your main contributions to the philosophy of logic? What is the proper role of philosophy of logic in relation to other disciplines, and to other branches of philosophy? What have been the most significant advances in the philosophy of logic? What are the most important open problems in philosophy of logic, and what are the (...)
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  14. of the Self-concept David A. DeSteno and Peter Salovey.David A. DeSteno - 1997 - Cognition and Emotion 2 (4).
  15. Ethics of Global Development: Agency, Capability, and Deliberative Democracy.David A. Crocker - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    Poverty, inequality, violence, environmental degradation, and tyranny continue to afflict the world. Ethics of Global Development offers a moral reflection on the ends and means of local, national, and global efforts to overcome these five scourges. After emphasizing the role of ethics in development studies, policy-making, and practice, David A. Crocker analyzes and evaluates Amartya Sen's philosophy of development in relation to alternative ethical outlooks. He argues that Sen's turn to robust ideals of human agency and democracy improves on (...)
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  16.  33
    The Humanity of the Theologian and the Personal Nature of God: DAVID A. PAILIN.David A. Pailin - 1976 - Religious Studies 12 (2):141-158.
    In his autobiographical-biographical study, Father and Son, Edmund Gosse describes how one evening, during his childhood, while his father was praying at - or, rather, over - his bed, a rather large insect dark and flat, with more legs than a self-respecting insect ought to need, appeared at the bottom of the counterpane, and slowly advanced… I bore it in silent fascination till it almost tickled my chin, and then I screamed ‘Papa! Papa!’. My Father rose in great dudgeon, removed (...)
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    The Moral Status of Nuclear Deterrent Threats*: DAVID A. HOEKEMA.David A. Hoekema - 1985 - Social Philosophy and Policy 3 (1):93-117.
    Ethical reflection on the practice of war stands in a long tradition in Western philosophy and theology, a tradition which begins with the writings of Plato and Augustine and encompasses accounts of justified warfare offered by writers from the Medieval period to the present. Ethical reflection on nuclear war is of necessity a more recent theme. The past few years have seen an enormous increase in popular as well as scholarly concern with nuclear issues, and philosophers have joined theologians in (...)
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    Some Comments on Hartshorne's Presentation of the Ontological Argument: DAVID A. PAILIN.David A. Pailin - 1968 - Religious Studies 4 (1):103-122.
    Although the basic ideas of the ontological argument can be found in Aristotle and Philo Judaeus, the argument received its classical formulation in Anselm's Proslogion and his Reply to the objections raised by Gaunilo. During the succeeding nine centuries the argument has had a chequered career. It was supported by some scholastic theologians but rejected by Aquinas. Descartes and Leibniz offered their own versions of the proof but Kant's refutation of the argument has generally been accepted as conclusive during the (...)
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    Brain and Mind.David A. Oakley (ed.) - 1985 - New York: Methuen.
  20.  45
    The Evidential Foundations of Probabilistic Reasoning.David A. Schum - 1994 - New York, NY, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
    A detailed treatment regarding the diverse properties and uses of evidence and the judgmental tasks they entail. Examines various processes by which evidence may be developed or discovered. Considers the construction of arguments made in defense of the relevance and credibility of individual items and masses of evidence as well as the task of assessing the inferential force of evidence. Includes over 100 numerical examples to illustrate the workings of diverse probabilistic expressions for the inferential force of evidence and the (...)
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    Judgments of cause and blame: The effects of intentionality and foreseeability.David A. Lagnado & Shelley Channon - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):754-770.
  22. Activity changes in early visual cortex reflect monkeys' percepts during binocular rivalry.David A. Leopold & Nikos K. Logothetis - 1996 - Nature 379 (6565):549-553.
  23. Multistable phenomena: Changing views in perception.David A. Leopold & Nikos K. Logothetis - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (7):254-264.
    Traditional explanations of multistable visual phenomena (e.g. ambiguous figures, perceptual rivalry) suggest that the basis for spontaneous reversals in perception lies in antagonistic connectivity within the visual system. In this review, we suggest an alternative, albeit speculative, explanation for visual multistability – that spontaneous alternations reflect responses to active, programmed events initiated by brain areas that integrate sensory and non-sensory information to coordinate a diversity of behaviors. Much evidence suggests that perceptual reversals are themselves more closely related to the expression (...)
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  24. David Gelernter , Judaism: A Way of Being (New Haven, CT & London: Yale University Press, 2009), ISBN: 978-0300151923.David A. Kaden - 2010 - Foucault Studies 9:212-215.
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  25. Causal Responsibility and Counterfactuals.David A. Lagnado, Tobias Gerstenberg & Ro'I. Zultan - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (6):1036-1073.
    How do people attribute responsibility in situations where the contributions of multiple agents combine to produce a joint outcome? The prevalence of over-determination in such cases makes this a difficult problem for counterfactual theories of causal responsibility. In this article, we explore a general framework for assigning responsibility in multiple agent contexts. We draw on the structural model account of actual causation (e.g., Halpern & Pearl, 2005) and its extension to responsibility judgments (Chockler & Halpern, 2004). We review the main (...)
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    The intelligence of the moral intuitions: A comment on Haidt (2001).David A. Pizarro & Paul Bloom - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (1):193-196.
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  27. Stable perception of visually ambiguous patterns.David A. Leopold, Melanie Wilke, Alexander Maier & Nikos K. Logothetis - 2002 - Nature Neuroscience 5 (6):605-609.
    Correspondence should be addressed to David A. Leopold david[email protected] the viewing of certain patterns, widely known as ambiguous or puzzle figures, perception lapses into a sequence of spontaneous alternations, switching every few seconds between two or more visual interpretations of the stimulus. Although their nature and origin remain topics of debate, these stochastic switches are generally thought to be the automatic and inevitable consequence of viewing a pattern without a unique solution. We report here that in humans such (...)
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  28. A Spatial Logic Based on Regions and Connection.David Randell, Cui A., Cohn Zhan & G. Anthony - 1992 - KR 92:165--176.
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    Talking Cures and Placebo Effects.David A. Jopling - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    Psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis have had to defend themselves from a barrage of criticisms throughout their history. In this book David Jopling argues that the changes achieved through therapy are really just functions of placebos that rally the mind's native healing powers. It is a bold new work that delivers yet another blow to Freud and his followers.
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  30. Animal awareness, consciousness, and self-image.David A. Oakley - 1985 - In Brain and Mind. New York: Methuen.
  31. A behavioral analysis of degree of reinforcement and ease of shifting to new responses in a Weigl-type card-sorting problem.David A. Grant & Esta Berg - 1948 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 38 (4):404.
  32.  26
    The engram found? Role of the cerebellum in classical conditioning of nictitating membrane and eyelid responses.David A. Mccormick, David G. Lavond, Gregory A. Clark, Ronald E. Kettner, Christina E. Rising & Richard F. Thompson - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (3):103-105.
  33. Societal-Level Versus Individual-Level Predictions of Ethical Behavior: A 48-Society Study of Collectivism and Individualism.David A. Ralston, Carolyn P. Egri, Olivier Furrer, Min-Hsun Kuo, Yongjuan Li, Florian Wangenheim, Marina Dabic, Irina Naoumova, Katsuhiko Shimizu, María Teresa Garza Carranza, Ping Ping Fu, Vojko V. Potocan, Andre Pekerti, Tomasz Lenartowicz, Narasimhan Srinivasan, Tania Casado, Ana Maria Rossi, Erna Szabo, Arif Butt, Ian Palmer, Prem Ramburuth, David M. Brock, Jane Terpstra-Tong, Ilya Grison, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Malika Richards, Philip Hallinger, Francisco B. Castro, Jaime Ruiz-Gutiérrez, Laurie Milton, Mahfooz Ansari, Arunas Starkus, Audra Mockaitis, Tevfik Dalgic, Fidel León-Darder, Hung Vu Thanh, Yong-lin Moon, Mario Molteni, Yongqing Fang, Jose Pla-Barber, Ruth Alas, Isabelle Maignan, Jorge C. Jesuino, Chay-Hoon Lee, Joel D. Nicholson, Ho-Beng Chia, Wade Danis, Ajantha S. Dharmasiri & Mark Weber - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):283–306.
    Is the societal-level of analysis sufficient today to understand the values of those in the global workforce? Or are individual-level analyses more appropriate for assessing the influence of values on ethical behaviors across country workforces? Using multi-level analyses for a 48-society sample, we test the utility of both the societal-level and individual-level dimensions of collectivism and individualism values for predicting ethical behaviors of business professionals. Our values-based behavioral analysis indicates that values at the individual-level make a more significant contribution to (...)
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    Chasing the Rainbow: The Non-conscious Nature of Being.David A. Oakley & Peter W. Halligan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:281365.
    Despite the compelling subjective experience of executive self-control, we argue that ‘consciousness’ contains no top-down control processes. We propose that ‘consciousness’ involves no executive, causal or controlling relationship with any of the familiar psychological processes conventionally attributed to it. In our view all psychological processing and psychological products are non-conscious. In particular, we argue that all ‘contents of consciousness’ are generated by and within non-conscious brain systems in the form of a continuous self-referential personal narrative that is not directed or (...)
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    Self-Knowledge and the Self.David A. Jopling - 2000 - Routledge.
    In this clear and reasoned discussion of self- knowledge and the self, the author asks whether it is really possible to know ourselves as we really are. He illuminates issues about the nature of self-identity which are of fundamental importance in moral psychology, epistemology and literary criticism. Jopling focuses on the accounts of Stuart Hampshire, Jean-Paul Sartre and Richard Rorty, and dialogical philosophical psychology and illustrates his argument with examples from literature, drama and psychology.
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  36. Rawls's wide view of public reason: Not wide enough.David A. Reidy - 2000 - Res Publica 6 (1):49-72.
    What sorts of reasons are i) required and ii) morally acceptable when citizens in a pluralist liberal democracy undertake to resolve pressing political issues? This paper presents and then critically examines John Rawls''s answer to this question: his so called wide-view of public reason. Rawls''s view requires that the content of liberal public reason prove rich enough to yield a reasoned and determinate resolution for most if not all fundamental political issues. I argue that the content of liberal public reason (...)
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  37. Rawls on International Justice.David A. Reidy - 2004 - Political Theory 32 (3):291-319.
    Rawls's "The Law of Peoples" has not been well received. The first task of this essay is to draw (what the author regards as) Rawls's position out of his own text where it is imperfectly and incompletely expressed. Rawls's view, once fully and clearly presented, is less vulnerable to common criticisms than it is often taken to be. The second task of this essay is to go beyond Rawls's text to develop some supplementary lines of argument, still Rawlsian in spirit, (...)
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    The Increasingly Compelling Moral Responsibilities of Life Scientists.David A. Relman - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (2):34-35.
    As a member of the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, I was involved in early deliberations about the appropriateness of publishing this avian influenza research when manuscripts were referred to us from two scientific journals during their review process, via the U.S. government. As described by David Resnik in this issue, we grappled with benefits and risks, and in our initial, unanimous decision recommended limited publication, alerting the world to the possibility of evolved transmissibility in these viruses but (...)
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    Legal idioms: a framework for evidential reasoning.David A. Lagnado, Norman Fenton & Martin Neil - 2013 - Argument and Computation 4 (1):46 - 63.
    (2013). Legal idioms: a framework for evidential reasoning. Argument & Computation: Vol. 4, Formal Models of Reasoning in Cognitive Psychology, pp. 46-63. doi: 10.1080/19462166.2012.682656.
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  40. The distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic properties.David A. Denby - 2006 - Mind 115 (457):1-17.
    I propose an analysis of the metaphysically important distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic properties, and, in the process, provide a neglected model for the analysis of recalcitrant distinctions generally. First, I recap some difficulties with Kim's well-known (1982) proposal and its recent descendants. Then I define two independence relations among properties and state a ‘quasi-logical’ analysis of the distinction in terms of them. Unusually, my proposal is holistic, but I argue that it is in a certain kind of equilibrium and (...)
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    The Effects of Person–Organization Ethical Fit on Employee Attraction and Retention: Towards a Testable Explanatory Model.David A. Coldwell, Jon Billsberry, Nathalie van Meurs & Philip J. G. Marsh - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (4):611-622.
    An exploratory model is presented as a heuristic to indicate how individual perceptions of corporate reputation (before joining) and corporate ethical values (after joining) generate specific individual organizational senses of fit. The paper suggests that an ethical dimension of person-organization fit may go some way in explaining superior acquisition and retention of staff by those who are attracted to specific organizations by levels of corporate social performance consonant with their ethical expectations, or who remain with them by virtue of better (...)
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    Advances in Employee-Focused Micro-Level Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: Situating New Contributions Within the Current State of the Literature.David A. Jones, Alexander Newman, Ruodan Shao & Fang Lee Cooke - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):293-302.
    This editorial outlines the articles included in the special thematic symposium on corporate social responsibility and employees and highlights their contributions to the literature. In doing so, it highlights the novel theoretical and empirical insights provided by the articles, how the articles inform and expand the methods and research designs researchers can use to study phenomena in this area, and identifies promising directions for future research.
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    AI, automation and the lightening of work.David A. Spencer - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) technology poses possible threats to existing jobs. These threats extend not just to the number of jobs available but also to their quality. In the future, so some predict, workers could face fewer and potentially worse jobs, at least if society does not embrace reforms that manage the coming AI revolution. This paper uses the example of Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson’s recent book—_Power and Progress_ (2023)—to illustrate some of the dilemmas and options for managing the future (...)
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  44. Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Cheating: The Influence of Direct Knowledge and Attitudes on Academic Dishonesty.David A. Rettinger, Kristina Ryan, Kristopher Fulks, Anna Deaton, Jeffrey Barnes & Jillian O'Rourke - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (1):47-64.
    What effect does witnessing other students cheat have on one's own cheating behavior? What roles do moral attitudes and neutralizing attitudes (justifications for behavior) play when deciding to cheat? The present research proposes a model of academic dishonesty which takes into account each of these variables. Findings from experimental (vignette) and survey methods determined that seeing others cheat increases cheating behavior by causing students to judge the behavior less morally reprehensible, not by making rationalization easier. Witnessing cheating also has unique (...)
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    The problem of equilibrium processes in thermodynamics.David A. Lavis - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 62:136-144.
    It is well-known that the invocation of `equilibrium processes' in thermodynamics is oxymoronic. However, their prevalence and utility, particularly in elementary accounts, presents a problem. We consider a way in which their role can be played by sets of sequences of processes demarcated by curves carrying the property of accessibility. We also examine the vexed question of whether equilibrium processes are necessarily reversible and the revision of this property in relation to sets of sequences of such processes.
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    Direct verbal suggestibility: Measurement and significance.David A. Oakley, Eamonn Walsh, Mitul A. Mehta, Peter W. Halligan & Quinton Deeley - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 89:103036.
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  47. Grandparental investment: Past, present, and future.David A. Coall & Ralph Hertwig - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):1-19.
    What motivates grandparents to their altruism? We review answers from evolutionary theory, sociology, and economics. Sometimes in direct conflict with each other, these accounts of grandparental investment exist side-by-side, with little or no theoretical integration. They all account for some of the data, and none account for all of it. We call for a more comprehensive theoretical framework of grandparental investment that addresses its proximate and ultimate causes, and its variability due to lineage, values, norms, institutions (e.g., inheritance laws), and (...)
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    Beyond covariation.David A. Lagnado, Michael R. Waldmann, York Hagmayer & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - In Alison Gopnik & Laura Schulz (eds.), Causal learning: psychology, philosophy, and computation. New York: Oxford University Press.
  49.  24
    When Corporate Social Responsibility Meets Organizational Psychology: New Frontiers in Micro-CSR Research, and Fulfilling a Quid Pro Quo through Multilevel Insights.David A. Jones, Chelsea R. Willness & Ante Glavas - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Memory impairment in the aged: Storage versus retrieval deficit.David A. Drachman & Janet Leavitt - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (2):302.
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